Café StoneCorner 2009

Café StoneCorner quickly became the most popular café in our city! We literally have to fight for our rights to sit there. The youngsters throw bonfire parties, they barbecue, drink, and have a cosy time together all Summer. So we have to put up a "reserved" sign if we want to sit there. The stone corner is just an improvement of our old favourite place at the back garden under af huge hazelnut tree.

(click thumbnail for larger version)

This is how it looked before.
Max is overviewing the project.
He started digging himself, but fortunately we have nice neighbours and we help each other, so Michael (who is landscape gardener) came with his very effective little excavator. Thanks to all the neighbours.
Gravel is unloaded.
The first load of stones, Jesper also helped a lot.
Stones are cut, it was not going to be square and dull.
The outer frame takes shape.
To ensure it was not going to be a dull and monotonous stone desert, Max invented a square of other stones placed diagonal in the centre. I'm glad it was not me who got the idea. ;)
Moving stones.
The hazelnut tree bed is built of nature stones, and a lot of swearing went on since nature stones are different in shape and size.
We are almost done.
The finished result seen in the morning sun.
Max has made the nice white flower box from remaining boards and lists, very nice. It is great being married to a handyman! :D
Having finished the stone corner, our old garden furniture suddenly looked very worn, so I have painted all of them, so they can last a few more years.
