The very nice RV

My Summer cottage is very tiny and Max has several times talked about throw out a wing, to place our teenage son in, but every time I have talked him out of doing so, as I think we have so many other things to do. One day he got a great idea - we could buy an old RV, wash and paint a bit, and then we had an inexpensive "wing" for son. Son and I immediately went to the internet and found a very cheap one which was on the Isle of Moen, how lucky can one be!? It cost only what equals to USD 60 - a real bargain. I asked dad to go out with a lamp in the middle of night to see it. It looked OK, so we bought it. At that price it could not go completely wrong, we thought, hmm.

It turned out to be some rotten old trash! But we had paid, so with dads vintage Chevy truck we hauled it to his home where we cleaned it with a high pressure cleaner. It helped a bit, but we had to do more than that. We hauled it to my cottage, and Max looked very despaired. I pointed out that he had to decide whether we should keep it or not, since we soon would cut off the wheels. But what else could we do, dear husband asked. Sister and I are clever sisters so we said we could haul it to the camping site in the middle of the night and put it on fire - what a party! Dear husband did not think we were funny at all. It turned out to be much more rotten and trashy then at first sight, but as always the ending is good and it still is much cheaper than a real "wing".

A piece of good advice: pay more than 60 dollars for an old RV! ;)

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Here it is, the very nice RV.
A tree has fallen into the middle of it, what turned out to be very bad for its condition.
The 60 dollars included four rotten tires.
It has been very stylished in 1972, no doubt about that.
Pure Austrian seventies style, very elegant.
I adore the curved brown plastic "glass" cabinet doors.
The toilet was removed when we bought it.
Max and I cleaned it with dad's high pressure cleaner and scrubbed it with alga cleaner.
  Ariven at the cottage.
First, we had to dig and level the ground and then we had all the lazy teenagers to help moving it in place - it was really heavy.
Dad arrives with his blowtorch and cuts of the tow-bar.
We have also taken off the wheels, so it stands on footing stones now.
There was a hole in the floor.
... and in the roof too.
  We had to built a hoarding in front of it to shield for it - it looked horrible else. Sister always helps. We have painted it army green, so it is more camouflaged.
Garbage of the weekend.
  We stripped the inside, so this is the garbage of the weekend.
The old cabinets from the "bedroom", wooden partitions, a bit of the bench and the kitchen - out it went.
The ceiling before, during and after.
All the rotten parts are removed and changed to new and fresh wood, insulation and lamina.
We removed the roof light windows as they seemed rotten and leaking too. We have glued and riveted zinc plates on them instead.
The bedroom after all the cabinets are removed.
Here was the large closet. We wanted to keep it, but it was completely rotten.
The hole in the floor after the closet is removed.
My favourite handyman in action.
We changed the bench from the shape of a horseshoe to an angle and it was fortified a lot.
We also built a roof over the RV, we want it to last for long.

Tim and my dad helps leading electricity to the RV.

Yours truly is painting (nice butt!).
We painted it sky blue with snow white cabinets etc. Max has made nice curves and profiles. He has named it the "Seventh Heaven". We hope it will be a nice teenage cavern.
The finished result - now it really is "very nice"!

My mother in law has sewn the nice, new sofa covers and I have sewn the curtains.

We have named the RV "The Seventh Heaven" since everything is blue.
